Clague’s Return to School/Hybrid Plan
March 19, 2021
On March 18, 2020, a ClagueR2L/Hybrid Parent Information Webinar was held for parents to be further informed about the Clague Hybrid Plan.
For students, hybrid learning will be split into two cohorts. The first cohort or the Blue Cohort will go to in-person learning on Monday and Tuesday mornings. The second cohort or the Green Cohort will be going to school on Thursday and Friday mornings. Students will go to the first three (mention how long) blocks in the morning and then will be sent home for lunch, to complete the rest of their blocks.

Parents can contact the administration if they want both of their children to be in the same (if they have a different last name) or a different cohort (if they have the same last name). Wednesday is asynchronous for all students and all classes in the afternoon will be taught online and synchronous. The maximum number of students allowed in each classroom is 12-15.
The Family Survey about whether or not a child wants to sign up for in-person learning was sent out on Monday, March 15 to parents. Surveys will be open until Monday, March 22. Those who opt for the virtual option will receive the same instruction as they always have.
For self-contained students, starting on March 25 and 26 Classes will start at 8:20 a.m. and end at 3:10 p.m. Students will also attend in-person learning on April 5 and 6. Starting April 12, will attend in-person learning 4 days per week on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. A picture of the full schedule will be linked below.
In-person learning will include the Super Six key strategies for preventing the spread of COVID-19 in schools. This includes Public Health Protocols, Ventilation Upgrades, Universal Masking, Physical Distancing, Cohorts and Cleaning/Signage. Wearing a mask at all times is required for both students and staff. In every classroom and throughout the building, hand sanitizer stations will be placed for students and staff to use. Students will be spaced 6 feet apart to minimize contact.

The community was told to notify the building principal if someone at home tests positive for Covid-19. Students are asked to be kept home when they are exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms for the health and safety of everyone and even if they are feeling ill. Those who feel sick can be virtual for the day. Parents are asked to screen their children each morning before they come to school.
All students are eligible for free food service, both breakfast and lunch, but everything must be preordered. Breakfast will be served on carts as a eat and go. Students are expected to pick up breakfast/lunch at their assigned locations and proceed directly to their classrooms. Families will need to register at the new Ann Arbor Online Student Lunch Ordering System to be eligible to pick up food.
Families who live 1.5 miles within the schools received a transportation survey on March 16 in their emails to register for transportation service. If at any point, a family wants to register for transportation later in the year for their child, there will be a two-week wait period before the student’s bus service. All students and staff are required to wear a mask at all times and windows will be open to circulate air. Students will receive seating charts to ensure minimum contact. It is required of students and staff to use the hand sanitizer placed in the buses upon entry.
No students will be allowed to enter the building until 8:10 a.m. and all students must enter at their assigned locations. Parent drop-offs and walkers will enter and exit through the main entrance doors and bus riders will access through the loading dock doors. Students should not arrive early and gather around the school grounds. This is to ensure the safety of the students. No adult supervision will be available after school hours and parents are expected to arrive on time at 12:10 pm to pick up their child.