The PS5 Shortage: are they worth it?
The PS5 is a next generation console for gaming developed by Sony.
February 23, 2022
The PS5 is a next generation console for gaming developed by Sony. It offers gorgeous 4k performance, 60fps (graphics every second), speedy load time and a game-changing controller that makes playing games more immersive and tactile than ever before and look pretty darn good while doing it.
If you’re reading this article, you’ve probably wanted a PlayStation5 for a long time, and you probably have questions about why Sony can’t just make more and how they let a shortage happen. This is what I have found.
I thought to myself: “Sony should have been prepared for a possible surge in demand. Who are these super shoppers that can get it before everyone?” No it’s not the flash or quicksilver. The answer is actually more mundane and less human than that.
Believe it or not, most of the hottest items – like the PS5 – are not bought by people manually, but by robots. Yes, robots. Robots that are designed to snap up the item whenever it goes on sale. Who owns these robots, though? Scalpers, that’s who. Well, what scalpers? They are people who have no interest in the item but they are interested in how much you want it. They own bots that buy large amounts of the item and sell it at an unreasonably large price, and those, let me tell you, are complete scams. As a result, gamers see empty shelves and out of stock signs on every website.
So where are they PS5? Most of the PS5 stock is in the hands of resellers who sell the item as high as they possibly can, PS5s that are sold-out in seconds end up on second-hand sites that are sold for multiple times the price or put up for auction to see how much people are willing to pay for them. So how high can the price go? The regular price is $500 dollars, pretty standard for a modern video game system but the price can go up to as much as 1,500. The scalpers soon figured out there was no price too high for gamers seeking their prize.
While realtors started to crack down on scalpers, shoppers continued to report near-instant sell-outs. So why can’t Sony just make more to keep up with demand? Retail is a game of supply and demand, and demand was clearly out pacing the supply. It’s great having people in to buy your popular all-new item – but it’s not so great that most of them are walking out without their PS5 and unhappy, or worse for Sony shoppers picking up an xbox or switch instead. So why isn’t Sony making sure there are enough PS5s for everybody so everyone who wants one can find one at their nearest store where scalpers and bots can’t get them? The answer may be that the demand is so high the company simply can’t keep up.
Shortly after the debut of the PS5, the CEO of Sony Jim Ryan revealed that the playstation 5 had the same amount of pre-orders in 12hrs that the PS4 had in three months. It achieved that 180 times faster than the original system. So why is the demand higher than previous years? It’s because we’re all stuck at home. That means people are looking for different at-home entertainment. Along with streaming services like Netflix and Disney+, the big winners have been video game consoles that provide a high-tech, entertainment experience. The big question is, is it worth it? Absolutely- I played it last week. It was so much fun. I had a blast. The resolution was amazing!
You’re probably saying, “WAIT YOU HAVE A PS5- how did you get one?” I know, I get that a lot. Believe it or not, it’s not that hard, thanks to Walmart, and GameStop- GameStop has them right now at a reasonable price. Keep in mind that the consoles from gamestop are pre-owned. (Disclaimer: at the time you may be reading this they may be out of stock) For Walmart, I recommend the next time you go to your local Walmart that you ask if they have PS5 or you can order online but in-person is more reliable. Walmart has brand-new consoles so they are a bit expensive. Grab them now before the prices skyrocket. I recommend checking for restock updates, and not buying a PS5 for more than $800.
I hope this article made you understand the situation more.
Keep gaming
Link for Gamestop Ps5