Judy Bai

Hemanth Tavane Shivakumar, Staff Writer

Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself.

A: “I’m 12 years old and in 7th grade, I do level 7 gymnastics at Gym America, I go to Clague Middle School, I play the flute and piano, I like to eat food, I have an older sister, I have a dog and a cat, and I want to be either a vet or an anesthesiologist when I grow up.”

 Q: What has been your favorite part about this school year?

A: “My favorite part was the beginning of the school year, where the

Courtesy of Bai

pandemic was around and we could talk and interact with our friends. I was really sad when we had to switch to online classes, especially when I couldn’t see my other friends who were in different classes anymore. “

Q: What is one goal you have for this year?

A: “One goal I have is getting good grades in my classes and not failing any of them, because online school is making it hard for me to get straight A’s, and with all of the potential internet and online problems, it’s harder for me to do assignments and turn them in on time or correctly. The school computers are fine, but sometimes they glitch and it can really mess up my assignments and grades. So far, it’s going well.”

Q: What is your favorite class and why?

A: “My favorite class is homebase, because you can talk and interact with your classmates without doing any work. You can also meet new people and talk out your opinions freely, for 30 min straight. My homebase teacher Mrs. Fleming is also a great teacher; she’s fun and funny, making homebase a greater experience than I thought it would be.”

Q:  What hobbies/sports do you do?

A: “The sports I do are gymnastics and diving, but I will most likely quit diving because the pandemic hasn’t given me the opportunity to practice at a pool. I do level 7 JO gymnastics with Gym America. Some hobbies I have are cooking and baking, playing with my dog and cat, and complaining about a lot of things I have strong opinions on. I also like to make people laugh, and annoying my older sister.”