“Keeper of the Lost Cities” by Sharon Messenger is a New York Times best series that has sold over seven million copies. Right now, it has 10 books in the series, including two 0.5 books.
“Keeper Of The Lost Cities” is about a 12 year old Sophie Foster, who is different from others. People were jealous of her because she was graduating high school at such a young age.
Even her parents wished that she was born normal like her sister, Amy. But, Sophie secretly has an ability to read people’s minds. She didn’t even tell her parents about this talent. But one day on a school trip to a museum, she meets a guy named Fitz. who is an elf and is saying she is actually an elf. Sophie doesn’t believe him, but as time passes, it starts to make sense.
Later on in the series, Sophie gets more powerful as she goes into a world, the forbidden city where an elf lives. As she meets powerful friends, she discovers a group of people called the Rebels who are trying to kill her. Will Sophie be able to defeat the rebels?
“Keeper of the Lost Cities” is a genre of fantasy. There are many mythical creatures appearing in the books such as elves, unicorns, trolls, etc. It has action, romance and mystery in the series. Such as scenes where the “Rebels” and Sophie’s group fight, crush to Fitz from Sophie, who is in the Rebels Group, and more exciting scenes.
It has touching moments many times in the books. While I was reading “Neverseen” (book four), I cried in the middle of the book of the touching and betrayal moment. While reading “Unraveled” (book 9.5), Keefe and Sophie reunion was another very touching moments.For me, the best part of the book was reading parts where it introduces things that are uncommon in human worlds and is only used in the elf world. It was also fun in parts where the book expressed Sophie’s crush on Fitz.
I would rate the Keeper of the Lost Cities 9/10. This series is the book that made me start enjoying reading. Every book in the series was enjoyable. And I had no difficulty reading the book. But it does have some parts where it is confusing and has no fun but just explanation.
But overall, the book was fun, I didn’t even know time was passing when I was reading. Therefore, I would definitely recommend this series.