Clague Middle School had a fundraiser at Noodles and Company. We decided to go to the restaurant to review their food. We rated their service and food quality. Overall the service was fast. This particular location was set up nicely and clean. It was an overall chill restaurant.

The mac n cheese was creamy
and melty; it was very good sized portion.
The broccoli was an extra add on, as it did not come with the meal. When it came it was undercooked. Overall, he would give the food a 4 out of 5.
(Francis Badalamente)

Samir had the cheesy garlic bread, it was very drippy
And delicious. The cheese stretched out when I took
My first bite. The sauce was creamy and had a hint
of garlic in it. He rates it 4 out of 5 stars.
(Francis Badalamente)

It was creamy sweet and sour it was very good.
Samir said the chicken was undercooked.
(Francis Badalamente)