Clarrie Wang


Courtesy of Clarrie Wang

Clarrie Wang is an 8th grader whose advisory teacher is Mrs. Vit.

Ashley Han, Design Editor

Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself.  

A:My name is Clarrie Wang, I am an 8th grader with Mrs. Vit as my homebase. I’ve been in AAPS schools ever since 2014. 

Q:What has been your favorite part about this school year? 

A: My favorite part about this school year was working on the Westward Expansion Webquest in Social Studies because it was very fun and informative.

Q: What is one goal you have for this year? 

A: I have a goal to finish drawing three of my projects this year.

Q: What is your favorite class and why? 

A:My favorite class is Spanish, porque la clase de español es útil y interesante. A mi me gusta aprender español.

Q: What hobbies/sports do you do? 

A:I play tennis, and my hobbies are writing stories, crocheting, and reading books.