One or the other: Survival break
Of all the beds, bunk beds are the most efficient in saving space.
March 19, 2021
I love to sleep. You probably do too. There’s nothing strange about that. What’s strange is that there are about 75 types of beds. However, let’s talk about the top three: the bunk bed, the loft bed and the single bed. I personally like the single bed for many reasons, including not falling from the sky in the middle of the night when I want a glass of water, but here are the marvelous and atrocious aspects of each.
Bunk beds are the most efficient type of bed out of all the beds listed. They save space, can host two people — three people if there is a hidden trundle under the bottom bunk — and they teach kids about sharing. Well, maybe not sharing, but definitely tolorating. Bunk beds can also be fitted with lots of storage in the stairs, in the wall behind the beds if there’s space and under the bottom bunk. Along with the extra storage, bunk beds free up more floor space to add things like desks, more storage — you can never have enough — and a bouncy house. Before you start to say things that will totally refute my argument, extremely small bouncy houses exist.
Bunk beds do have problems, though. Falling out of the top bunk is a very real possibility that can lead to serious injuries. If the structure isn’t sturdy, then the top bunk can also collapse. Bunk beds aren’t recommended for small children because they have a harder time using the ladder to get to the top bunk. Making the bed is also impossible. It’s like trying to drink water whilst sitting on top of a fighting emu.
The last reason why bunk beds aren’t the best is the fight. You know, that epic fight between siblings, where the champion gets the top bunk. Not that epic when I explain it, but you get what I mean. Such a hassle for parents, right? They don’t deserve that.
How about we move on to the lofters. For those of you who somehow don’t know, loft beds are basically bunk beds without the bottom bunk. Pretty simple, huh? No? Well, then Google it.. Loft beds add so much more extra storage space than the bunk beds do because they don’t have the bottom bunk, so you can put a desk, a drawer, an extra bouncy house, etc. You can even put just another mattress there and it will do the same purpose as a bunk bed, without actually having to buy one. You wouldn’t want to buy one because loft beds are cheaper, using less material than the bunk bed.
Loft beds have many of the same cons as bunk beds like falling out of the sky, small children having problems climbing the ladder and making the bed. Head banging is also a serious problem, and having a dent in your forehead isn’t very appealing. Chilling in your bed also isn’t possible because of the two feet of space between your mattress and the ceiling.
Now we move on to the exceptional single bed. By single bed I do not mean the size of the bed frame; I mean the type of bed frame that is like a bunk bed, but only has the bottom bunk. Now that that’s cleared up, the pros. Single beds make it easier to get to the bed because climbing a ladder that’s like Mount Everest isn’t required. Storage isn’t much of a problem either because some things can go underneath the bed and other dangling storage options that can be hung from the ceiling or from the walls. Another option is to just not have so much stuff. The mattress is also supported better because the center of gravity is closer to the ground.
People say that single beds are too simple. Sure, in boarding school, but they actually have many different styles. Mid-century modern? Done. Gothic? Done.Rolling off the side of the bed is also a big problem, but they are ways that can be fixed. Get a crib, — you might be judged, but it’ll work — get a thick gym mat and put it on the side of the bed, etc.
In conclusion, none of the types of beds are horrible; they are all unique in their own way. It’s important to choose what’s right for you, because it’s your life. All I can do is guide you to building your dream house. Starting one step at a bed-time.
Banu • Mar 20, 2021 at 11:29 pm
Great article Jashn!