Blind Date With a Book

Annabella Mi

The Blind Date for Books is a way to spread Valentine’s Day cheer.

Annabella Mi, News Editor

With Valentine’s Day approaching on Feb. 14, some school activities are taking place as a way to spread the Valentine’s day cheer; one of them being blind dates for books. Though this feat takes quite some preparation. With parents and volunteers, they all start about a month before the event even begins and wrap around 150 books. Clues are also attached as to hint what the text might be about—as well as a review system to put in a box after finishing the book. After the event ends on Feb. 14, on Feb. 15, the reviews will be scrambled up and randomly selected to find a winner of a box of chocolates.

The idea was first introduced around five years ago as a way to show the students of Clague to “not judge a book by its cover.” Since then, many have enjoyed opening the books and putting in their reviews.

“It’s fun, the kids enjoy it, the surprise of opening the book,” Mrs. McLean, Clague’s librarian, said, “it’s not your birthday but you get it and it’s like [a] present sort of thing.”

Though some people are doing it for the edible prize, some people like Jocelyn Gadepalli are doing it for other reasons.

Gadepalli decided to participate in this activity, since she enjoys reading books. “I don’t care about the chocolate,” Gadepalli stated. “I just saw books in bags and was like ‘Oh books!’ I like books. The element of chocolate is also fun but I honestly just did it for the books.” 

If you want to partake in this event like Gadepalli, for chocolates or not, here are the instructions:

  1. Select a book based on the written clue
  2. Check out the book
  3. Take your book home, open it and read it
  4. Return the book to the library
  5. Rate your book and place your slip in the red box at the circulation desk for a chance to win a box of chocolates.
  6. Winner will be randomly selected and announced on Feb, 15th!

This activity will be going on until Feb. 14, so if you want a chance to win a box of chocolates or unwrap a book—the library is always available during school hours!