Katherine Zhou


Courtesy Of Katherine Zhou

Katherine Zhou is a sixth grader at Clague Middle School who loves to read, do computer programing, and solve math problems.

Lakshya Jaiganesh, Managing Editor

Q. Tell us a little bit about yourself.
A. My name is Katherine Zhou. I am a sixth grader at Clague Middle School. I love to read, do computer programing, and solve math problems.
Q. What has been your favorite part about this school year?

A. My favorite part of this school year is being able to meet all of my teachers and classmates, and learn the new curriculum!

Q. What do you miss about Clague?

A.I would love to be able to go to the building in the mornings and meet my teachers and classmates!

Q. What is one goal you have for this year?
A. One goal I have is to do well in all of my classes and turn in all of my work in time.
Q. What is your favorite class and why?

A.I love all of my classes! It would be nearly impossible to choose a favorite, because I like to learn new things from every subject, which makes all of them very enjoyable to me! However, if I was to pick only one, I would pick Science, because I find it very fascinating. I think it is cool that it helps us critically analyze a phenomena or observation, and by which we can develop stronger critical thinking skills. Not only that, but the curriculum is very interesting.

Q. What hobbies/sports do you do?
A. I have a bunch of hobbies, and some include playing the Viola, reading, and conducting some minor science experiments. I used to swim prior to the pool being shut down (due to the pandemic), but currently, I go on runs and occasionally play Tennis.