From hosting the Eighth grade field trip to introducing International Night at Clague, the administration has brought in many new events to the Clague Community. — and they are not stopping.
“Mrs. Fluker and Mr. Harvell are included in the thinking for organizing fun nights,” Clague parent Maurgurite Dillard said, “organizing the eighth grade field trip and also organizing thank you meals for the teachers several times a year.”
In addition to the administration’s endeavors for organizing memorable activities for the students, they also have endeavors for making everyone feel welcomed at Clague.
“I feel like the counselors are there for you and support you,” an anonymous Clague student said, “and always try their best to make each student feel like they belong and do a great job of taking care of Clague as a community.”
From having Tierra Massey, a teaching assistant (TA) at Clague, communicating student worth in the morning announcements (“The Clague team believes in you, always believe in yourself, be kind to others and yourself. . .”) to the counselors and their aid keen, it’s all what being a part of the administration entails, especially managing difficult situations.
“The administration does a good job at handling not so easy situations,” Dillard said. “They care for each student, want you to be comfortable in your own skin, have friends, and be your best self. And that’s not always easy.”
The administration’s efforts past years, this year, and with confidence, following years, have worked hard to accommodate everyone. This goes from starting new after-school activites, like the drama club, consistently hosting fun nights, including the upcoming one on October 27., and the little things, like adding tables to the bathrooms or the weekly Clague Cougar Connections.
“Everytime I knock on those doors and that building was closed,” Dillard said. “You know the door and you always have somebody to open that door for you—and that’s the administration and staff.”