Academic Games
Courtesy of ninth grader Jennifer Tang
Academic Games is a nationwide organization where students can build on their critical thinking skills and knowledge in various subjects through thought-inducing games.
December 10, 2022
Whether it’s finding the technique of advertising or finding solutions to complex math equations, Academic Games has much to offer to the bright students at Clague Middle School. AG is a nationwide organization where students can build on their critical thinking skills and expand their knowledge in various subjects, such as language arts, history, math, and logic, all through thought-inducing games. From learning about presidential firsts and scandals to using the science of reasoning to solve equations, Academic Games has much to offer.
Members meet twice a week: 7-9 p.m. on Mondays and 3-5 p.m. on Fridays. The club is guided by two coaches, Eric Nelson and Yuxuan Chen. About every month, the team attends Saturday tournaments in other vicinities, where they can test their knowledge and skills against other players.
Eighth grader Katherine Zhou recently joined the middle division.
“I did AG one year previously in elementary school, and I really enjoyed the experience there,” Zhou said. “The people there were great, and I learned a lot of new things. That’s why I wanted to join again this year because I wanted to experience it again.”
Students are also given the opportunity to demonstrate their teamwork and independence throughout the year. While they play individually, their points help contribute to their teams, led by three student captains.
Eighth grader Hannah Mathew is a current and longtime AG player.
“On Mondays, we play games and practice, and sometimes, we work on different worksheets and learn different strategies in different games.”
“On Fridays, we have practice rounds where we practice playing different games,” Mathew said.
Though there are a number of difficult and fun games, Mathew and Zhou have selected their favorites from the list.
“I like playing the game Propaganda, which is about different advertising techniques, and we get to ask which one is which,” Mathew said.
Zhou, on the other hand, said, “The game Equations, because it challenges my mind. I love challenging my brain after school on Fridays.”
Ready to compete with many other students, the AG team cannot wait to attend nationals in Orlando, FL, in late April. They will participate in interactive and thought-provoking games with middle schoolers around the country. The team is eager to make a mark at the tournament.
“If I do qualify for nationals, I am looking very much forward to going to Orlando,” Zhou said.