Annabella Mi
At 6 p.m. on Jan. 9, Betzy McCarty began the fifth Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO) meeting of the school year and first of the calendar year.
On Thursday, Jan. 9, principals, parents, and teachers in the Clague community convened for the fifth Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO) meeting of the 2024-25 school year via Zoom. Starting from 6 p.m., the PTSO president Besty McCarty discussed with attendees upcoming fundraisers, summaries on past events and approaching events to mark on the calendar.
Principal’s report:
The end of the marking period and conclusion of quarter two will happen on Jan. 24. All grades and assignments will be finalized in the days approaching Jan. 31 as it is the end of semester one. Between the dates, there will also be auxiliary school events such as the Revel & Roll fundraiser.
“[Jan.] 20 there is no school due to the MLK (Martin Luther King) holiday,” Principal Kyron Harvell said. “However, we will have a fundraiser at Revel & Roll [to] raise funds for the eighth grade field trip.”
Additionally, Harvell offered an incentive for those willing to challenge him to a duel of bowling at Revel & Roll.
Harvell offered to give $100 out-of-pocket to the first person who wins in a bowling game against him.
Moreover, following the midterms for mathematics and world language, Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) testing will be assessing all students from Jan. 21 to Jan. 23, with makeups scheduled accordingly per admin’s instruction.
Furthermore, Harvell ensured to remind families on the upcoming Fun Night, taking place on Jan. 24 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., along with updates on Cougar athletics.
“Wrestling just wrapped up,” Harvell said. “We had our banquet this evening and we’ll enter seasons two and three of basketball in a few weeks.”
Treasurer’s report:
PTSO treasurer Gudrun Bossmann reviewed the financial activity in December starting from donations/general fund, with an amount of $113.28, a check from Kroger provided $216.57, $908 was sourced from community events, and a fund of $775 from Winter Giving income. The total sum of gross profit was calculated to be $2,012.85.
For expenses, Bossmann accounted for the $39 from dues and subscriptions, $69.29 from registration, $876.41 to supply teachers with meals/gift cards, and $1,384.22 for teacher grants. Despite there being an income of $908 from community events, the disbursement was $846.65. An important sidenote Bossmann included was $1,500 was set aside for Social Worker Chelsea Knight’s endeavors of giving families the requisite items to have throughout the winter and to celebrate the holidays with — Winter Giving is the name of the charitable project Knight has driven from behind the wheel.
“At the point when we did the math to what we could give for the Winter Giving, and we had said we would give all revenue from the Winter Market, plus we had proceeds from the Winter Giving,” Bossmann said. “We were able to give $1,500 to Ms. Knight to support families in winter.”
Overall, the total expenses measured out to be $4,715.57 and the net operating income of $-2,702.72 for the month of December.
As a response, Knight had hand-typed a message from the success and mass of “giving” in the Winter Giving.
“Thank you so much to everyone who helped promote Winter Giving as well as a thank you to everyone who purchased items off our wishlist” Knight said. “This year, we were able to provide Clague families with 202 pieces of winter gear, 96 toys/books, and 51 articles of clothing! Approximately 80 percent of our wishlist items were purchased. It was far more successful than I could have imagined[.] Thank you again!”
Other topics touched upon:
Volunteers and chairs needed for Winter Fun Night and International Night in April, with no final date set. The general PTSO volunteer webpage can be found here.
Front desk reached out for supplies, such as sanitizing wipes, tissues, and period products. Jennifer Franklin created a Clague Amazon wishlist with other imperative items here.
The Winter Market was remarked as “a really great success,” with over 30 students who rented booths and assembled their tables. “It was just really amazing to see all the great things that the kids brought to the tables, quite literally,” Betzy said. From the thriving success of the Winter Market, PTSO is aiming for a Spring Market sequel.
Clague’s inaugural Fun Run is “running” on May 8, 2025 during the school day. As the date sprints forward, more information will be provided.
Mark the calendar:
Jan. 24, Winter Fun Night
Jan. 29, early release at 12:15 p.m.
Next PTSO meeting is Thursday, Feb. 6. Questions, comments, or concerns can be sent to claguepto@gmail.com.